
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Since my last post...

Wow I haven't updated in a long while! I did, however, update my FB photo album, so you can check out my most recent coordinations. Sadly, I didn't get to wear kimono as often as I would have like to, but that kind of comes with the whole moving-across-the-world-and-getting-used-to-the-new-area thing. Last time it took me almost 2 years to get back into regular kimono-ing, so I'm hoping that this time it won't take me as long. Of course working a graveyard shift (nights) also doesn't help, as I'm asleep during the best daylight hours.

Anyways, here are some photos that I took but didn't post here.

We had another snow back in February in Clovis. It wasn't as much as back in November, but it was still fun to run out and take some photos. I even borrowed a dog specifically for this reason!
 I had a lot of fun styling this outfit. I tried something different with my hair, and I'm pretty pleased with how it came out. Of course my husband had to help me with one side, but at least he was willing to do it! And did a great job at it too!
For anyone interested, the hat is my newest purchase at the local antique store, and the mustache belt is a separate belt from the obi! They just blend it so well that it seems like I have a mustache pattern on my obi.

Let me know if the comments if you had to take a break from your kimono-ing lately!


1 comment:

  1. This being my final year of University I've had to put kimono to one side, and now that I have free time for kitsuke, the weather's too hot! So I'm plotting outfits for a convention in the autumn >:3 On a different note I adore your obi, and your kimono looks so soft and drapey!
