Hello Everyone,
I saw this clallenge over at
Kira Kira Kimono, a new blog that I had no idea existed until today. I've seen the lovely owner at Immortal Geisha before, and every time I see her I always think that she looks like a doll and I just want to dress her up in my kimono! Creepy much? :P
Here is the list of all challenge questions:
1. How did you discover and got into kimono?
2. Your dearest kimono item(s).
3. Your most used kimono item(s) (not counting jubans, datejimes etc.).
4. Your least used kimono item(s).
5. Your favourite coordination(s) so far.
6. What do you like and don't like about kimono.
7. Kimono confessions. Did you know that...
8. Your dream kitsuke items (or at least items you really really want but can't get for whatever reason).
9. Your biggest kimono fears.
10. Your biggest kimono inspiration.
11. Your kimono collection.
12. The evolution of your kitsuke.
13. Your special kimono memory.
1. How did you discover and got into kimono?
I actually don't know what exactly made me want a kimono. I know I've always been interested in it, but since I was living in Ukraine kimono was an unattainable goal for me. Then we moved to US and I was too busy fitting in and starting a new life for myself to worry about kimono or any other hobbies.
Fast forward to 2005 and my first year of college, I was taking a jewelry making class and I've met a very nice Japanese lady in my class. We became friends and when she told me that she was going to Japan to visit her aging mother, I gathered all of my courage and asked her to bring me a kimono back. I gave her a budget of $300 (since I knew kimono were expensive), told her what I liked (butterflies, any colors) and off she went while I settled to wait.
Couple of month later I got a call from Momo-san saying that she is back and she brought me STUFF! I don't think I ever made it on the other side of town that fast in my life before, but in a matter (of what felt like) minutes I was over at her house looking at all the things she brought. And she brought a lot! Kimono, haori, obiage/obijime, nagoya obi, 4 pairs of stretch tabi, pair of geta and very nice zori, coin purse (I'm still using it now), KERA magazine, and I think another magazine or two. Overall, it was a LOT of stuff and a lot more than I was expecting.

Of course I wanted to try wearing kimono right away, so Momo-san dressed me up. Yup, that's me on that faithful day, wearing kimono for the FIRST time in my life. We quickly realized that there are some stuff missing... except I had no idea about all of the dressing accessories until much much later, but Momo-san was able to make it work. Looking at it now I can see how wrong everything looks, but on that day in 2005 I felt as the happiest person alive.
And then my kimono got put away in my closet and stayed there for over a year until in the summer of 2006 I got interested in kimono again. This time, I properly started with the basics aka yukata.
And it went downhill from there! My OBSESSION with kimono had officially started.
I tag all my kimono friends! I would love to read your answers.
~ Lyuba