Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's all about the hat

Yesterday was a nice sunny day in England, and in Lyuba-world that means kimono day! Incidentally, I've received this hat that same morning, so my whole coordination revolved around how to mach my kimono to this hat. I took the hat, and off I went into my disaster zone kimono room to look for a suitable kimono. I usually don't have this problem, but this was ALMOST one of those "I don't have anything to wear" moments! At the end, I've decided that this kimono matched because it had those blue stripes, and if I paired it up with a lighter obi, then it was a good start to the whole coordination. 
 I ended up using dark blue obiage, obijime and gloves, because I love the matchy-matchy and repeating colors style. In the photo, my obiage looks like a mess, but I fixed it after I noticed that it "came up". It's hard to see these things when I'm focusing on jumping in front of the camera lol.
I also wore my new haori to complete the outfit. I know that the pattern on that haori are clouds, but the colors make me think of a bright sunny day, so I thought it was a perfect occasion to wear it. It goes gorgeously with this kimono, so I'm very happy I ended up buying it. 

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