Sunday, July 15, 2012

Just Arrived #12

Hello Everyone, 

Well IT has arrived! By IT I mean my very first ro AND lily pattern chuya obi. It's actually the last item I got from Shinei's Ebay before they got booted off, so for a moment there I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get it. Unfortunately this obi also has a pretty big stain that Shinei just conveniently forgot to mention. I think it's still wearable without the stain showing, but this one of those hikinuki obi (the ones with pattern upside down) so I don't know. I'm not really upset about it, I mean it IS Shinei we're talking about, and I always take their listings with a grain of salt and understanding that I might get a "surprise" any time I buy from them. They are also off Ebay, so I don't really see the point of contacting them there. 

I'll just have to practice tying it to hide the stain :) It is GORGEOUS in person, and the color is a warmer green, like green tea in a white cup. 

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